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The TextBox control lets a user type text into an app. The text displays on the screen in a simple, plaintext format on a single line. It additionally comes with a set of buttons which allow users to perform specialized actions on the text, such as showing a password or clearing the TextBox’s contents.

import { TextBox } from "fluent-svelte";


TextBox is an extension of HTML’s native <input /> element. Most props/attributes that aren’t explicitly documented here should still work the same.

Controlling Value

A TextBox’s current text content can be set with the value property.

<TextBox value="Default value" />

Additionally, you can use svelte’s two-way binding syntax to bind the value to a variable.

	import { TextBox } from "fluent-svelte";

	let value = "Default value";

<TextBox bind:value />

Current value: {value}

TextBox Types

You can customize the intended input type of the TextBox by setting the type property. Most HTML <input> type attributes that accept text input are supported.

Supported types: text, number, search, password, email, tel, url, date, datetime-local, month, time, week.

Most of these types will simply set the type attribute of the TextBox’s input element. Some of these types, however, have additional functionality added specific to their input method.

  • On search types - A search button will be added to the end of the TextBox to allow users to submit a search query. You can use the on:search event to handle the search query. If you wish to hide the search button when using this type, you can set the searchButton property to false.
  • On password types - A password reveal button will be added to the end of the TextBox to allow users to reveal the input’s value. You can use the on:reveal event to run code when the password is revealed. If you wish to hide the reveal button when using this type, you can set the revealButton property to false.


TextBox supports a placeholder property that will be displayed as text in lower emphasis when it’s value is empty. These can be used to describe the purpose or type of value the TextBox is meant to accept.

<TextBox placeholder="Send a message" />


TextBox supports a set of buttons that are added to the end of it’s container. These buttons can be used to perform actions on the TextBox’s value. Depending on the type of the TextBox, these buttons may vary with different functionality and behavior.

Most TextBox types will feature a clear button. This button will clear the TextBox’s value, then focus the input when clicked. If you wish to hide this button, you can set the clearButton property to false. If you wish to run any code after the clear button is used, you can also handle the on:clear event.

Along with the builtin action buttons, you can also add your own buttons to the end of the TextBox using the TextBoxButton component and the TextBox’s buttons slot:

    import { TextBox, TextBoxButton } from "fluent-svelte";

<TextBox placeholder="Custom buttons!">
    <TextBoxButton slot="buttons" on:click={() => alert("Clicked!")}>
      <!-- https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui-system-icons -->
      <svg slot="icon" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
          <path d="M7.85355 0.146447C7.65829 -0.0488155 7.34171 -0.0488155 7.14645 0.146447C6.95118 0.341709 6.95118 0.658291 7.14645 0.853553L8.29603 2.00314C4.80056 2.11088 2 4.97839 2 8.5C2 12.0899 4.91015 15 8.5 15C12.0899 15 15 12.0899 15 8.5C15 8.48656 15 8.47313 14.9999 8.45971C14.9983 8.2001 14.7805 8 14.5209 8H14.4782C14.2093 8 14 8.23107 14 8.5C14 11.5376 11.5376 14 8.5 14C5.46243 14 3 11.5376 3 8.5C3 5.53311 5.34917 3.11491 8.28892 3.00398L7.14645 4.14645C6.95118 4.34171 6.95118 4.65829 7.14645 4.85355C7.34171 5.04882 7.65829 5.04882 7.85355 4.85355L9.85355 2.85355C10.0488 2.65829 10.0488 2.34171 9.85355 2.14645L7.85355 0.146447ZM11.8536 6.14645C12.0488 6.34171 12.0488 6.65829 11.8536 6.85355L8.85355 9.85355C8.65829 10.0488 8.34171 10.0488 8.14645 9.85355L6.64645 8.35355C6.45118 8.15829 6.45118 7.84171 6.64645 7.64645C6.84171 7.45118 7.15829 7.45118 7.35355 7.64645L8.5 8.79289L11.1464 6.14645C11.3417 5.95118 11.6583 5.95118 11.8536 6.14645Z" fill="currentColor" />

Disabled and Readonly States

There are two methods to (completely) restrict manual input on a TextBox: the disabled and readonly properties.

  • The disabled property will prevent the user from entering text into the TextBox as well as style the TextBox to indicate this. The TextBox will not be focusable and will not respond to keyboard events.
  • The readonly property will only prevent the user from entering text into the TextBox. The TextBox will still be focusable, however, and no changes to the styling will be made.
<TextBox placeholder="disabled TextBox" disabled />
<TextBox placeholder="readonly TextBox" readonly />

Component API

API docs automatically generated by sveld and vite-plugin-sveld.


value string "" The input's current value.
type string "text" Determiness the input type of the textbox.
placeholder Unknown undefined The initial placeholder text displayed if no value is present.
clearButton boolean true Determines whether a text clear button is present.
searchButton boolean true Determines whether a search button is present when `type` is set to "search".
revealButton boolean true Determines whether a password reveal button is present when `type` is set to "password".
readonly boolean false Determines whether the textbox can be typed in or not.
disabled boolean false Controls whether the TextBox is intended for user interaction, and styles it accordingly.
inputElement null | HTMLInputElement null Obtains a bound DOM reference to the TextBox's input element.
containerElement null | HTMLDivElement null Obtains a bound DOM reference to the TextBox's container element.
buttonsContainerElement null | HTMLDivElement null Obtains a bound DOM reference to the TextBox's buttons container element.
clearButtonElement Unknown null Obtains a bound DOM reference to the TextBox's clear button element. Only available if `clearButton` is set to true, `readonly` is set to false, and a `value` is present.
searchButtonElement Unknown null Obtains a bound DOM reference to the TextBox's search button element. Only available if `type` is set to `search`.
revealButtonElement Unknown null Obtains a bound DOM reference to the TextBox's reveal button element. Only available if `type` is set to `password`.


NameSlot PropsFallback
Unnamed (Default) {} Empty
buttons {} Empty


All DOM events are forwarded to this component's respective elements by default. Learn More

Dispatched Events

clear None
search None
reveal None